Wednesday 22 February 2012

Why Use Kerastase?!

Some of you may have heard of this brand of hair care and some of you may have avoided it, but let me tell you if you have used it you will never put anything else on your hair! Here's a bit of information about the brand. Kerastase is French as you may have guessed and used to be sold only in pharmacy's. The reason for this is that all of the shampoos, conditioners and all of the treatments are actually medicated unlike any other brands- which is why there so amazing. Kerastase is developed by L'oreal and was established in 1964. The brand is so special and so vast because Kerastase believe 'every person is unique, each hair type has its own particular needs. For these reasons Kérastase has developed a collection of personalized hair care products that target individual needs and desires.'

I know that it seems overwhelming to find the right products for you because they are all written in French and there are literally millions of products for every type of hair. That's where I come in!
I will take you through a few of my favorite products and ones for the most common hair problems.

Resistance 'The Green Range'

This range is for hair that is on its last legs, usually blonde hair that has had too much bleach or hair that has been aged through heat, colour and constant styling. This is for weak hair that has been damaged from within.
You need this range if the following applies to you:
  1. You straighten or put heat through your hair most days
  2. You cant seem to get a comb through your hair from root to tip
  3. Your hair snaps of or looks very split and dry
  4. Your very light or have bleached hair
  5. You colour ALL of your hair (not just the roots) more than once every 8 weeks
If you said yes to most of these you need this range for your hair.
Protein is the main ingredient it gets right into your cortex (middle of your hair) and strengthens it from within.
This is ideal for knackerd hair, I would recommend...
Shampoo- Bain De Force
Conditioner/ Treatment- Ciment Anti- Usure
Heat Protector- Ciment Thermique
If you would like something a bit more intense you can use the 'age recharge' mask this is idea for thick damaged hair.

Nutritive 'The Orange And Cream Range'

This range is especially designed for hair that is dry to very dry, course or rebellious hair.
This is a fairly heavy range so, unless you have thick hair it will weigh you're hair down- do not worry as Kerastase is so specific it's thought about everyone and therefor come up with a system for most of it's ranges that includes fine hair as well as thick hair.
On the shampoos, conditioners, masks and treatments there is a number 1,2 and 3 this is to show how intense and heavy the treatment is. So if you want to go for a light shampoo and a heavy conditioner you could use a 1 and a 3. Its so simple!

So if the following applies to your hair you need this range:
  1. Your hair feels dry to the touch
  2. You struggle to maintain your hair
  3. Your hair looks fluffy and dry when you try and style it
  4. You struggle to comb your ends through
  5. Your hair is lacking shine
If yes, you definitely need this range. I would recommend for thick hair:
Shampoo- Bain Satin 1 or 2
Conditioner- Masque intense 1 or 2
Heat protector- Nectar Thermique

If you have fine hair and need to use this range I would recommend:
Shampoo- Bain Satin 1
Conditioner- Lait Vital or Masque Intense Finns
Heat Protector- Sublimateur Jour

Reflection ('The Pink Range')

This range is specially designed for coloured hair, hair that lacks shine and hair that is washed a lot.
This keeps your colour locked in and is perfect for thick or fine sensitized hair.
You need this if:
  1. Your hair lacks shine
  2. Your hair is coloured
  3. Your hair feels a little dry or damaged from the colour you use
  4. Your colour seems to last only a few weeks
  5. Your hair looks dull and lifeless
If yes here's what I recommend for thick hair:
Shampoo- Bain Miroir 2
Conditioner- Masque Croma Reflect or Masque Chroma Riche
Heat Protector- Chroma Thermique

If your hair is fine and you need this range use:
Shampoo- Bain Miroir 1
Conditioner- Lait Chroma Reflect
Heat Protector- Chroma Thermique

If you actually have a scalp or specific hair problem no worries, Kerastase cater for this too.
They have a rage for specific problems even ones that are not common and they really do work as they are medicated.


Have greasy hair but dry ends? No problem just use:
Shampoo- Bain Divilant or Bain Clarifiant
This starts working after the first was I noticed a difference straight away as I have this problem!

Have a tight scalp and dandruff? You will be pleased to know Bain Gommage Cheveux Secs works an absolute treat! Say 'bye bye' to flakey dry scalp in no time at all!

If your experiencing hair loss maybe after a baby or if your thinning don't panick! Kerastase have a solution for this too and it's called Bain Prevention GL.

All of these are designed for people with specific hair problems and I have used Bain Divilant so I know for definite it works a treat!
Kerastase have many more hair ranges but these are just a few I think will be helpful to you.
The brand is fairly priced I think some on the higher side but its worth every penny as it works so well and there are so many different things you can you they really tailor make it for your hair.
Shampoos range from £10- £15
Treatments and conditioners range from £15- £20
Tubs and masks range from £20- £27

Take a look on the Kerastase website for more info at 
Your can also buy Kerastase from  HQ hair online or Amazon or even Ebay.
You can mix and match the ranges however I would just stick to one if you want to see amazing results fast!
I hope this helps ladies don't be afraid to ask me any questions!

Tazzi xoxoxo



  1. Kerastase is French as you may have guessed and used to be sold only in pharmacy's. The reason for this is that all of the shampoos, ...

  2. Kerastase is French as you may have guessed and used to be sold only ...

  3. Dull and harm hair is basic issue that every single one of us endures eventually of life. Kerastase treatment is one of the best solutions to get rid of it. Furthermore, as we as a whole are very much aware of the way that our hair is comprised of protein which is called keratin and it is considered as delegated wonder for the two females and guys however for females excellent hair is add on to their whole persona. Part of elements are in charge of the harm hair and the major rather guilty party is styling and unnecessary utilization of the stylers and straighter where the temperature is uncommonly high which harms hair root and hair follicle. What's more, on the off chance that you likewise fall in a similar classification, this is ideal place to bumble over and to make your hair more shiny.

  4. This is the best Kerastase dry scalp treatment I've ever used! It's helped to completely eliminate my dryness and itchiness.
